NFT Marketplace With Ai
Solverse uses AI to build a more secure, trusted, and privacy-focused NFT marketplace. AI is helping Solverse revolutionize the NFT industry and open up new opportunities for creators and collectors. How NFT Marketplace with AI Solverse Works:
Copyright Prevention: Users upload their digital artworks to the Solverse marketplace. Solverse AI analyzes images and videos to detect similarities with existing works. The AI uses deep learning and computer vision to identify similar visual elements and patterns. If significant similarities are found, the NFT is flagged and the seller is asked for copyright verification. Sellers must show proof of copyright ownership to sell NFTs.
Privacy and Security: Users' personal data is end-to-end encrypted. Users have full control over their data and choose what to share. AI analyzes marketplace activity to detect suspicious activity.
Programming NFTs with AI: Solverse AI can program NFTs with additional security and privacy features. Example: Limiting NFT copies, setting NFT content access permissions, and ensuring access only for authorized people.
NFT transactions: Buyers and sellers of NFTs use SOL tokens to conduct transactions. Transactions are recorded on the Solana blockchain, ensuring security and transparency. Advantages of NFT Marketplace with AI Solverse:
A more secure and trusted NFT marketplace: Minimized copyright infringement and fraud. Better privacy and control of user data: Provides peace of mind for buyers and sellers. New possibilities for NFTs: Opens up new opportunities for the use of NFTs in various fields.
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